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Import Data supports importing bookmarks from web browsers and services in various formats.

How to import?​

  1. Download the export file. Check the supported formats and limitations below
  2. Upload the file to
  3. Click Start import and wait for the upload to complete
  • Keep the browser tab open until the upload is complete.
  • Bookmark thumbnails and search filters will be processed shortly after the import finishes. You’ll receive an email notification once it’s done.

Supported Formats​

Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Brave (HTML)​

We support importing any bookmarks from browser or third-party service. Here how to get export file from popular browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox


We support almost any CSV file generated by third-party bookmarking apps.

How to prepare my own CSV file?​

If you want to upload your own CSV file just make sure:

  • Comma delimited
  • Columns: url, folder, title, note, tags, created
  • url column is required, other are optional
  • use / to specify nested folder, like a/b/c
  • to have multiple tags just put them in quotes, like "tag1, tag2"
  • created column should have Unix timestamp or date in ISO 8601 format
  • Column order doesn't matter

Here an example CSV file:

"Folder",,Google,"Note","search, app",1629980125
"Folder/Nested folder",,Yahoo,"Note","search, app",1629980125

Validate your CSV file before uploading!


Txt file should have a url per row

ENEX (Evernote)​

You can transfer all your web clips (bookmarks) from Evernote to, including descriptions and tags. To do this, export your notes from Evernote in the ENEX file format.

When exporting, ensure you only select Created Date, Tags, and Source URL, as other fields take up unnecessary space and will be ignored during the import process.


Pinterest itself doesn't have any tools to export your data. But you can try to use great third-party app called Pinback that can help you download export file. Just follow instructions on Pinback site.

Edge Collections​

Go to specific collection, click ... / Copy All then create a .txt file and paste content of clipboard to it. Now you have a .txt file that can be imported to Raindrop.

You can transfer bookmarks from almost any other service. Simply request an HTML, CSV, or JSON file from service that you use.


  • Ensure the file size is no larger than 300 MB; if it is, compress it into a ZIP file
  • Evernote limitations:
    • Attachments are not supported yet
    • We only support transferring Evernote web clips (notes created using the Evernote Web Clipper). Other types of notes, including those containing bunch of links, are not supported.